Disappointed in my home state

I have been wanting to write about this but haven’t found the right words. Let me sum up: despite being elated at the result of the presidential election (and in particular how Colorado voted), the fact that Proposition 8 passed in California has cast a pall over the last several days. I am both flabbergasted and seethingly angry that California voted to make conditions more humane for farm animals, yet at the same time voted for a constitutional amendment to take rights away from people. Rights that my husband and I feel so strongly that everyone should be able to have that we used an exerpt from the Massachusetts Supreme Court decision on gay marriage in our wedding ceremony.

I…I just don’t understand it. I don’t understand the propaganda hate machine that somehow convinced 52% of the voting population that continuing to allow gay people to get married would equal children being “taught gay marriage in school”, would mean that “churches would be forced to marry gay people!”. Maybe I’m just an unfrozen caveman lawyer, and your world frightens and confuses me, but my husband and I got married in California and the few months California allowed gay marriage didn’t affect our marriage one bit. Children aren’t “taught” straight marriage in school, let alone gay marriage. During those months, nobody forced any church to marry anybody. Nor have these things happened in the other states that allow gay people to marry.

I know I’ve mentioned my favorite wedding photographer before, and it makes me feel good to know there are so many people in California (both in the wedding industry and not) who are so in favor of everyone having the right to get married. Jessamyn Harris wrote a beautiful post in her blog (and included some amazing photos she’s taken of same-sex weddings this year) here. I hope that the energy that helped to boost our next president into the White House can continue in the fight against Prop 8, to restore what should be a civil right for every adult in this country regardless of sexual orientation.

4 responses to “Disappointed in my home state

  1. It is downright cruel and inhumane. I’ll say it again-those 48% will look as bad as everyone who argued against civil rights and enfranchising women.I think it will come up again-Prop 4 has been introduced over and over again. My opinion is that interest groups will put up a bigger fight against it next time. Small comfort…but gives me hope for the future. Though I did vote for that humane treatment bill.

  2. First of all, "Maybe I'm just an unfrozen caveman lawyer…" THANK YOU. I am not lying, Brad & I say this ALL THE TIME. HA!After the initial happy frenzy of the election outcome died down & I heard about what happened with Prop 8, I was totally disgusted. I don't get it. The only thing I can figure is that fear won out this time. People are afraid of "different," plain and simple – whether it makes sense or not. We overcame fear of one "difference" this election; I hope that trend continues. Beyond that, though, I have such a hard time understanding people who have gay friends & family and STILL oppose gay marriage (and I know/am related to some of these people). How, HOW can you take that stance? How can you tell your friend or relative that they don't deserve the same rights and the same happinesses as you do? It's sickening. When gay couples were married earlier this year in California, did anyone spontaneously turn gay? Were children being "taught" gay marriage in school? Were any churches forced to perform ceremonies? OF COURSE NOT. So what's the big ass deal?!

  3. Hi, me again 🙂 – I’m back to let you know that I both love your blog and decided to pass along an internet trinket telling you so. It’s here. Proceed as you wish!

  4. I completely agree. How many people in MA were forced to marry gay couples? Not the Catholic church I attended as a child. And no others that I know of. (I’m sure if would have made national news if that happened.) I just don’t get keeping rights from people.

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